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/ Macademic for Students & Teachers / Macademic for Students and Teachers (Quantum Leap)(1992).iso / Fun & Games / AAW

Directories (4)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
Eleven12   Gaul3   Island2
Random Camp12

Archives (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
War tips and fun MacBinary 2 3KB 1988-07-23

Text (6)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
Howto set up AAW Stuff Text File 47 3KB 1988-04-24
T0 Text File 8 1KB 1988-04-24
T1 Text File 17 1KB 1988-04-27
T2 Text File 6 1KB 1988-04-28
T3 Text File 2 1KB 1988-04-29
TITLES Text File 1 696b 1988-04-29